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Hey Skullcap, where you on the "red Dragon" B3?


I agree a lot about the run time/airtime. The thing is, those of you who log a lot of time sitting on the ground better be able to put your money where your mouth is when you go for a check ride....and it will show. When I first came to fly in the mountains, with my 600 or 800 hours of flying in the flat country, I thought this will not be so tough....jesus, how humbling it was. If you have 3000 hours and 1000 of them are sitting on the ground doing nothing that the frictions can't do for you????? good luck trying to call yourself a 300 hour pilot.


sorry back to the thread.....YES, it is getting better, there are more adds but there are also more jobs that are not posted, I just was able to pick from a few. the price of oil is going up, and that directly affects our oil work and us pilot part numbers!!! The USA is also picking up in the oil and gas sectors as well, get out the bagrunners! It may be slow but it definetly feels that there is an upturn of some sort going on!



Stay possative job seekers!



Nope, Lama


Hey Skullcap, where you on the "red Dragon" B3?


I agree a lot about the run time/airtime. The thing is, those of you who log a lot of time sitting on the ground better be able to put your money where your mouth is when you go for a check ride....and it will show. When I first came to fly in the mountains, with my 600 or 800 hours of flying in the flat country, I thought this will not be so tough....jesus, how humbling it was. If you have 3000 hours and 1000 of them are sitting on the ground doing nothing that the frictions can't do for you????? good luck trying to call yourself a 300 hour pilot.


sorry back to the thread.....YES, it is getting better, there are more adds but there are also more jobs that are not posted, I just was able to pick from a few. the price of oil is going up, and that directly affects our oil work and us pilot part numbers!!! The USA is also picking up in the oil and gas sectors as well, get out the bagrunners! It may be slow but it definetly feels that there is an upturn of some sort going on!



Stay possative job seekers!




There is a small upturn in the economy, but it is still way behind what it was even 7 years ago. Yes jobs are coming back slowly. The federal government after a long campaign to limit the amount of work permits issued (particular to helicopter industry with guidance from industry participants.) Today foreign applicants for employment are required to meet higher hourly requirements and HRDC and Immigration Canada are holding applicants and employers to account, this is making allot harder to sponsor non-Canadians. For this as Canadians we should all be grateful. As the economic up-turn comes there will be a greater scarcity of available experienced pilots. Will this cripple the industry? No it will not. As there is a large number of available pilots here in Canada that are ready to work. ( maybe not in accordance with the crap terms the employers are ready to offer but available non the less! )There are also a considerable number of lower time pilots that will benefit from the industry being forced to do as they did in the past to absorb the cost of " Training the Industry" . The outlook is good. The spurt in adverts for jobs is however cyclical. Persistent strong policy may have a positive longterm effect.


Pilot 5- CPC


There is a small upturn in the economy, but it is still way behind what it was even 7 years ago. Yes jobs are coming back slowly. The federal government after a long campaign to limit the amount of work permits issued (particular to helicopter industry with guidance from industry participants.) Today foreign applicants for employment are required to meet higher hourly requirements and HRDC and Immigration Canada are holding applicants and employers to account, this is making allot harder to sponsor non-Canadians. For this as Canadians we should all be grateful. As the economic up-turn comes there will be a greater scarcity of available experienced pilots. Will this cripple the industry? No it will not. As there is a large number of available pilots here in Canada that are ready to work. ( maybe not in accordance with the crap terms the employers are ready to offer but available non the less! )There are also a considerable number of lower time pilots that will benefit from the industry being forced to do as they did in the past to absorb the cost of " Training the Industry" . The outlook is good. The spurt in adverts for jobs is however cyclical. Persistent strong policy may have a positive longterm effect.


Pilot 5- CPC



Perhaps one day, 'Pilot 5,' you'll have an opportunity to show us how a commercial helilcopter operation should really be run, and I'm confident there'll still be lots of pilots with 'crap' know-it-all attitudes from which you can attempt to create professional aviators that won't leave in the middle of the season at the drop of a nickel somewhere, treat your equipment like wheelbarrows, etc., etc., etc. It's my fondest wish for you. Perhaps the opportunity to walk in someone else's shoes, properly earned, will mellow your naive perceptions.


Perhaps one day, 'Pilot 5,' you'll have an opportunity to show us how a commercial helilcopter operation should really be run, and I'm confident there'll still be lots of pilots with 'crap' know-it-all attitudes from which you can attempt to create professional aviators that won't leave in the middle of the season at the drop of a nickel somewhere, treat your equipment like wheelbarrows, etc., etc., etc. It's my fondest wish for you. Perhaps the opportunity to walk in someone else's shoes, properly earned, will mellow your naive perceptions.



All of these things you mention, I cannot disagree with. There is always another side to the coin. To suggest that there is " No fault" on the side of the operator or that there are no blatant violations to the Canadian Labour code or that operators will overlook Canadians in the place of cheaper migrant labour would also be akin to " willfull blindness" and as you said if I can borrow the term- "Naive". My Naive perceptions as you make mention are the product of 23 years in this industry, although I have in no way seen it all I have certainly experienced my own share of "crap" and have formulated my opinions based on experience. This is really all I have to go on... Thanks for the fond wishes, but truthfully I only hope that there is a time when there is an upturn in the "professionalism" in the industry and that Canadians can enjoy and count on fair equal opportunity for employment here at home.



  • 4 weeks later...

Mostly the government ads disclose the payscale, but a couple of smaller operators are advertising theirs. Are people securing jobs with good income out there?


I got payscale quotes from some AB and BC operators, seemed very low for possibly seasonal work.


the Duke

  • 1 month later...
" and as you said if I can borrow the term- "Naive". My Naive perceptions as you make mention are the product of 23


The person you are calling 'naive' has over 50 years in the industry, and has held every position.

  • Like 2

Yes Ray I am quite aware who The grasshopper is and yes I can confirm he has 40+ years of experience using the big 50 could get you into a heap of trouble as those of us who are passing soon into the golden years prefer to be refered to as "older" instead of just plain "old"


The market today in Canada for pilots is great. I know of 5 "reverse culls" to date due to the shortage and more on the way. This problem of having fewer experience pilots and the blame for this situation can be placed directly in the hands of industry itself. Why? Because there are few companies who bring guys up and now we have gotten ourselves into a pickle...


Lets let the market re-adjust and let the demand do the rest....There is no other choice.

Changes instigated to shore up protection for Canadian workers is working and Work permits requirements are stiffer than ever and being watched. The days of advertisning in the Northern Minor to fulfill the advertising requirements are over. Continued vigilance will make a difference.


Its my sincerest wish that every Canadian has a fare stab at getting that job and companies start giving back to training new Canadians for future positions.Have ater fellas the jobs ARE out there.


Its all up hill from here.




Coming up on 25 years in the industry, I'm not exactly a young buck.

I do see a fair bit of optimism right now in the job market, not quite the shortage we had 5 years ago, but could go that way if the present trend continues.



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