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Glad people like it! I'm working on another edit with some other cool angles I've discovered...


The cameras I've been using are the GoPro HD's. They are amazing. Super stable, waterproof, tons of mounting accessories. I was involved with my first search and rescue this summer at the request of friends of mine whose friend went missing in the woods around Vancouver, BC. I started mounting my HD cameras at different angles and posting the videos online for friends and family to feel involved in the search. Unfortunately, despite the fact it was the largest SAR effort in BC's history, the individual was never found, and most likely, never will be...


This is one of the shots that really stood out to me when I reviewed my footage.



especially at the 1:30 mark


And as for rolling over at the B-25 crash site. I have been flying fling wing for almost 20 years now, since my 18th birthday. The passenger I selected to help me that day was very experienced at hover exits since he sets up remote cell transmission towers for a living. I hover exited him at the site and had him inspect landing areas while I orbited. I was able to get my left skid down with 100% contact (The small flat stone under the bear paw was just for good measure). Obviously the right skid wasn't "ideal" but with the size and quality of rocks available, I wasn't hesitant setting down on it. But yeah... probably not a good plan without an experienced crew. Made for a fun, challenging day though! :D

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Very cool!


Funny, just the other day I was daydreaming about someday making my own video compilation, and I was idly wondering what it would look like if I could somehow strap a camera to a rotor blade and hand-spin it.


Now I know, and your video was better than my imagination :D


I also like that its an R44. I've seen several heli vids, but they always seem to be an A*Star or a Bell medium or something else turbine-y. As a low-timer whose only job so far has been flying an R44, it's like I'm watching "my" helicopter. Like the soundtrack, too.


Thanks for the vid; keep 'em coming!


- Darren

Wow I almost got sick watching that! I assume he was flying in a straight line, and the lens has some fisheye to it that makes it seem like he's in a constant right turn?


Hey, yes, is quite a fisheye and I was in a constant right turn the whole time. I was flying the edge of the lakes, looking for a body in the shallow water. Didn't even think it could be disorienting.


More put that up to show the cool angle of the helicopter looking down at the lake, then the reflection of the lake looking back up at the helicopter in glassy water. You can see myself and my spotters hanging out the doors, looking down.

Hey everyone. Since this is my first post here, I really hope I'm posting this in the right place... and that this is even the kind of stuff you guys do post.


But, this past Sunday I went out to shoot a video with a friend of mine showing an angle on a helicopter that I don't think anyone's ever really tried before.


I did a quick edit on it, and thought I'd see what everyone thinks. I'm planning to do more locations, especially once the snow starts to fly. The next time I edit it, I'll add in some flying shots as well.



Its the perfect way to do a 360 video tour of the exterior of a helicopter. Very innovative. Those cameras are awesome. I think I know what I want for Christmas.



Hey guys. (and gals)


One more video for you all that you might find interesting.



Back in 1997 I think it was, cuz I remember I was 24 at the time, Kraft Canada ran a contest of "how you love your KD..."


The idea was, send in a video, a picture, a song, whatever of how you love your KD. The winner received $10,000, 1 years supply of KD (365 boxes) and, got to star in their own KD commercial. Well, I heard the contest wrong and thought it was, make a commercial, if it wins, Kraft would air it. Well, I had just finished my skydiving license a week before I heard the contest so I contacted my skydiving instructor and we set out to make a commercial for the contest.


Well, as you can imagine, we won first place. We even beat a girl named "Hailey" who was 4 years old and tap danced how she loved her KD. We kicked her @ss!!! IN YOUR FACE HAILEY!!! :


:: Blank stare ::


What? She started all the smack talk... honest. :P


Hope you like!


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