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Convincing The 'other Half' Of Moving

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Not really a conundrum at this time, however, at some time in the future I would like to do this (obviously have to get the job first)(and no, not looking right this second to those who'll think I'm jumping ship).


Anyways, my dream job is in the beautiful province of Newfoundland, and even tho I haven't been back for quite some time, I would really love to move back there in the future, but how in the world do I convince the future wife that this is an awsome option??


Obviously for anybody who's never been there, all they ever hear about is the 'horrible weather' and yes I know, I've seen 6 feet of snowfall in 2 weeks, and 4 feet in an overnighter, but also the wonderful summernights, and camping out and so on.


The friendlyness of the people, where I reside right now, there are not really anybody we talk to lots, while in Newfoundland, I got along with my neighbors after 10 minutes! "you're not from 'round here are you? want a beer?" and "have you been screeched in yet?"


Twillingate, icebergs in july. Terra Nove park, trying NOT to hit a moose, moose blody everywhere... Caribou downtown Gander on a sunday. Bottled moose after a night out...


Anyways, mostly the concern is, will she get a job there? we have not been very sucessful to find her something here. Cost of living, is it really cheaper there or is that just an illusion. Appartments/hoses and such, how difficult are they to find?


Anybody have any inputs on how to deal with this conundrum, please let me know!


And obviously, to the guy with the reins (you know who you are, last time I spoke to you in person you were shoveling some of those 4 feet of snow), I meet most of the qualifications now, only one standing in the way, and I'm NOT gonna meet that one until you get me the job!






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I am living in St Johns, down on the water in the harbour entrance, right on the trail up to Signal Hill. I moved here 7 yrs ago from the mainland, and wouldn't swap it for anything. Im not a Newfie,(although after all the screach ins am considered an honuary one) but an expat, who just happened to of stumbled on one of the most beautiful, friendly places I have ever been.


I am lucky in the fact that I have good touring rotations and work for a company who have no problem with airfares back and forth. As for work for my other half, not a problem, she is always busy, originally from Alberta but says she would never go back and considers Newfoundland her home. As for me, having offshore experience on N.S am considering in the next few years applying for offshore out of St Johns, although happy with my current status and job for now. As for cost of living, I definately find it a little cheaper than the mainland, but that is just me. Even if it was more expensive, I still wouldn't swap it. And you are so right about the summers and fall, stunning. Even the winters I find are more tolerable than the mainland. Nothing more relaxing for me after a tour, than sitting on my deck drinking a few cold ones with the neibours, watching the cruise ships come and go and the S-92's and 61 thundering overhead. Good times and will be home off this tour this weekend, can't wait, according to the little lady at home, the city is just a buzzing with tourists.

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I can't agree with you guys on the costs of living here compared to Southern Ontario. Sure, in a lot of places here in NL, the housing isn't as expensive. In St. John's however, the prices are, for a lack of a better word, insane. Now don't get me wrong, this isn't Vancouver, but when I left NL 10 years ago, a 3 bedroom house was selling for about $125k. That same house now is closer to $320k. At that price, you aren't saving much compared to the housing in and around London ON.


As for the rest of your day to day living expenses, gasoline is $1.10/L. You have to heat your house here for 10 months of the year. Food is a lot more money here, especially anything fresh. Alcohol and cigarettes are more money here. Insurance in general is more money and since everything else comes here via boat or truck, expect to pay more.

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Hey Harald,


I finally did get the car shoveled out!


No longer holding the reins my friend, handed that over to another fine chap two months ago, I am back on the line now and loving it!


Still got some tight connections though with the "hiring dept" when you are ready!


PM me your email and I can give you the skinny on your questions.


All the best,


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i agree with Ray. take her on a holiday. but unless she is 100% in favour of the move. you will regret it for ever. anytime there is an issue. the old " you moved us here" will come in play.

good luck with that one. been there, done it.

it would be a great place to live though. hope it all works

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i agree with Ray. take her on a holiday. but unless she is 100% in favour of the move. you will regret it for ever. anytime there is an issue. the old " you moved us here" will come in play.

good luck with that one. been there, done it.

it would be a great place to live though. hope it all works


I see what you're getting at, and I understand completely.


However, that has actually NOT come into play in our situation yet, where I have moved here, to unemployment, from a good job...


However, we need to keep our pay at our current level, which means she'll need a job. Thus the question still lingers, what is the job-market like in the great province of NL?


Her other fear is the weather, obviously there's bad, but there's also wonderful, trust me I used to live there myself! and also ofcourse the problem with 'travel'. She'll want to go home to visit family in her hometown as well, to go to Winterpeg, but with Westjet, THAT should not be a problem either.


I realize I can't just yank the roots and go, this will have to be a sweet deal for us both, and I'm convinced it WILL be, even if it may take a while...




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