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the reality is that each and every college and university does the exact same thing, and in most cases is subidized by all of us who do in fact pay taxes. You think there are jobs waiting out there for all the history/philosiphy/sociology/psychology/kinesiology..... I could go on


What is it with Canadians thinking the only good education is the one that gives someone a bigger paycheque?


The difference is those institutions, especially the universities, are primarily in the education business, not the job training business which is what FTUs market themselves as. Training the private guy who just wants to learn how to fly is an afterthought with most of them.



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Ditto on the blood pressure pills. I wouldn't want you to blow a nut online.


Well, you have certainly blossomed into quite the little troll around here, haven't you?


To 'suggest' that I have high blood pressure is libel. As well, you were off on a few points, so ignorance is certainly the case here.


1) You are assuming that I have high blood pressure. You'd think that someone that has been around as long as you would be savvy enough to figure that a poster with a user name of 'splitpin' is more likely to be on the wrenching side. I could see the confusion if my user name was "Doorknob" or "Dipshyte", but that is not the case.


2) You are assuming that everyone who has high blood pressure will "blow a nut online" Again, that is not the case.


3) You are assuming that I WILL blow a nut. Wrong again.


Speaking of entitlement, I don't care if you have been around long enough to have worked with Igor Sikorsky, you are not entitled to accuse me of having high blood pressure!! How about setting a good example for the new guys instead. :up: :up: :P

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What is it with Canadians thinking the only good education is the one that gives someone a bigger paycheque?


The difference is those institutions, especially the universities, are primarily in the education business, not the job training business which is what FTUs market themselves as. Training the private guy who just wants to learn how to fly is an afterthought with most of them.


While I believe in the value of a good education, regardless of end job, I think there is a parallel, even if you just choose to focus on community colleges instead of universities....and there is no doubt they are in the job training business. The reality is when the eceonomy went pear shaped the colleges had to increase staffing in many programs to accomodate an influx of laid off people looking for re-training or upgrading, and the job prospects in many of those areas of study was slim to none and you know where slim went


As well the majority of students, regardless of whether college and university, attend with the idea it gets them a job in the end...not a broadened mind.....which is the parallel I assume you are making with the reference to the private pilot





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Well, you have certainly blossomed into quite the little troll around here, haven't you?


To 'suggest' that I have high blood pressure is libel. As well, you were off on a few points, so ignorance is certainly the case here.


1) You are assuming that I have high blood pressure. You'd think that someone that has been around as long as you would be savvy enough to figure that a poster with a user name of 'splitpin' is more likely to be on the wrenching side. I could see the confusion if my user name was "Doorknob" or "Dipshyte", but that is not the case.


2) You are assuming that everyone who has high blood pressure will "blow a nut online" Again, that is not the case.


3) You are assuming that I WILL blow a nut. Wrong again.


Speaking of entitlement, I don't care if you have been around long enough to have worked with Igor Sikorsky, you are not entitled to accuse me of having high blood pressure!! How about setting a good example for the new guys instead. :up: :up: :P



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I don't put up a lot of posts but I do read the forums a bit.


To Mobil 254, continue to take the professional high road - well done.





Splitpin marginalized himself a long, long, time ago. He offers little more than an occasionally amusing sideshow.



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