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Ag Accident

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Glad to see the driver's alright. Sad to see that old Jet Buggy (C-GNBS) go though. Lots of history in that ship. Got a couple hundred hours in it myself. Any stories about this old bird out there?


Speedy recovery.




After putting NBS to bed for the night...our faithful cook, persuaded us into a road trip to YTS for the 'evening'. Remember that night?

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After putting NBS to bed for the night...our faithful cook, persuaded us into a road trip to YTS for the 'evening'. Remember that night?


Oh yes I remember that night, some bits of it are blurry though. LOL. I remember getting up at 4AM for a nature call and there wasn't any wind too. A mad dash for the helos and trucks. LMAO. I miss those days.




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