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Still no sound, but the WAVES come through. Just 'cause we don't hear it, don't mean it aint there...


That's like the tree falling in the woods. It'll make a sound, but if you can't hear it, then it won't do any damage to your ears.


Unless you care to back up your theory with some documentation or references.....




"Sound waves" is not a euphenism. No waves = no sound. But let's not argue. I think the thread was about Gallet Helmets... I'm still using a Gentex SPF30. Keeps the sun off my head.





That's like the tree falling in the woods. It'll make a sound, but if you can't hear it, then it won't do any damage to your ears.


Unless you care to back up your theory with some documentation or references.....


If I can find it I will, but it is in Norwegian. The study was done by the Norwegian Aeromedical institute, on several offshore pilots for several years.


There was actually a court case were a few of the pilots were suinc CHC Helikopter Service because of loss of license due to hearing loss, but that is as was said another story!


I'll see if I can find it.




"Sound waves" is not a euphenism. No waves = no sound. But let's not argue. I think the thread was about Gallet Helmets... I'm still using a Gentex SPF30. Keeps the sun off my head.






Tell that to a Bat, Dolphin or an Elephant....they all communicate on a level that we can't hear.....but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Love Glove- I thought you were smarter than that.....






According to the Merriam-Webster OnLine Dictionary:


Sound (noun): 1 a : a particular auditory impression : tone; b : the sensation perceived by the sense of hearing; c : mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in a material medium (as air) and is the objective cause of hearing.


I was using "sound" in the sense of definition c: mechanical radiant energy etc., not in the sense of a or b. Nor was I excluding any being with acute hearing. Based on the mechanical energy definition: "No waves = no sound".


You're right, I'm not smarter than that.


And that's Mr. Gluv to you, buddy!





PS. Did you hear that? That's the sound of deadpan.

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