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Hey CTD and 407/212 Driver,


Just wondering if you guys were still heading this way, if so when. The booze is already being cooled.


Heli Ops

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Hey Heli-Ops, I was scheduled in on May 3, but with the world outbreak of SARS, plus Air Canada attempting to go bankrupt, our travel plans are in question. We foolishly chose Air Canada to LAX, then board the financially stable Air NZ to Aukland.


AirCanada Points........................ you cheap b*******,  a man with your money and your concerned about POINTS.  Come on, spend some of that new money and take that darling of yours on a real vacation.


Points........give them to a charity,man.


And I bet your making all the lads at the HAC by you drinks too.


NZ is in next year's plan for us, and it'll likely be a six-week deal. This depends 100% on if we can get our two first class tickets with our A/C points.... sad.gif


This year we're planning three weeks (late Aug early Sept) touring the lovely bumps of BC on the bike. 10.gif


Hey Shorty, life with me is all the vacation she needs, the rest is a bonus.


407: Ab-so-frikken-lutely!! We'll be by to see you guys for sure - already in the plan. I'm really looking forward to this trip.


407Driver - you should take Air Canada to Hawaii, overnight there at Waikiki and then head downunder the following day. I however, fly Qantas as I get much better service.


Keep me posted if you decide to still head this way.


Heli Ops


RDM, I can personally vouch that CTD BOUGHT beer at the HAC get-together. I''m sure it had nothing to do with the difficulty I had finding my wallet, then the opening (cobwebs you know).


By the bye, CTD and 407, are you really serious about flying Air Handout???


HeliOps I will be down under to see my kids in Dec. Well be staying in Parramatta sorry if I can''t get to NZ but we will try.




While over there you should stop in and see Careflight with their Bell 412 and also Childflight with their nice new AS365-N2. They are at Westmead Hospital which is in Parramatta. You also have Sydney Helicopter Services running out of the Parramatta heliport as well.


If you want to do visit any of the operators in the area let me know and will set it up.


Heli Ops


Heli Ops

I will do that because I think my son-in-law would like me to find work there. I will let you know just before I leave so we can have more of an idea when I will be there. Thanks for your help. Ken


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