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Rcmp Non-pic Aircrew Requirements


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Hello all,


I know that pilots for the RCMP require a minimum of 3,000 hrs PIC

I was curious, though, if anyone knows what is involved in becoming non-PIC aircrew (co-pilot, FLIR operator, what have you). I've been told by friends of ours in the RCMP that these members of the aircrew are civilian as well, and I thought perhaps it might be a good way to get a foot in the door.


Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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As an exmember of RCMP Air Services, trust me, the Observer (FLIR, Nitesun Operator etc) positions are Regular Member positions. They are responsible for the police function of the missions. That's what allows the pilots to be civilian members, they don't have any DIRECT police content.


All RCMP helicopters are single engine, single pilot; no co-pilots.




Hello all,


I know that pilots for the RCMP require a minimum of 3,000 hrs PIC

I was curious, though, if anyone knows what is involved in becoming non-PIC aircrew (co-pilot, FLIR operator, what have you). I've been told by friends of ours in the RCMP that these members of the aircrew are civilian as well, and I thought perhaps it might be a good way to get a foot in the door.


Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


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