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Asrd And Helicopter Rates


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So whats your opinion; ASRD publishes rates and mins for all types of aircraft they use. So they feel this is a fair and acceptable rate for the industry, in which an operator can safely operate an aircraft for them.


Now, they post these little 50 hour contracts and expect a lowball rate for the same aircraft in which they already have posted a yearly rate for, in reality they have already accepted their posted dollar figure! Now you must non rev ferry to the 'base' location and sit there with no per diems/ hotel or mins????


To make things worse, they now take 'pine beetle' contract machines and have them sitting on manup taking work away from the locals.


As for their last episode with their '10000 feet dream machine' who in their right mind would land at 10 grand with that amount of fuel payload?? Anyways good luck with all the bidders, hope ya don't prang anything up!!!!


Goes to show these organizations have zero aviation (helicopter) management skills!!


We'll be watching

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As mentioned in previous posts, it is absolute crap that tha Alberta government or any government for that matter, can and does dictate what they will pay for a helicopter.

It is a shame that we as an industry have let them get away with this.


A big thanks to the HAC for tackling that one!


Too bad there are so many old crappy machines and operators out there who seem to enjoy

f#*king themselves.





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Now I agree that dictating rates is not good but lets remember if ASRD posts lets say $1600/hr astar rate for firefighting and you think that is to low/unfair/undo able then why the heck are people bidding $1045.

I am looking for a new car and phone three dealerships and tell them all I am willing to buy a car for $20000. Two dealerships qoute $20000 and one qoutes $11000.I didnt force them or even ask them for a lowball bid. What would you do???

Turn it around, next bid everyone bids $$1600, lets let service and crew quality be the deciding factor!!HAHA like that will ever happen!


PS- before everyone slams me for being a ASRD lover or employee. Believe me I have been on the wrong side of lowballed ASRD bids to the tune of alot more $$$$ then 50 hours flying.

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One night I awoke to the soft patter of rain falling on the line tent I and 5 others were provided compliments of ASRD. This was somewhat confusing as the stars were visible past the door flaps of the tent. Curious I crawled to the front of our evening abode to see just what had sprung a leak. Turned out to be a neighbour from the adjoining tent too f***ing lazy to walk the 50 or so yrds. to the can...hmmm, slept soundly in the back of the BA for the rest of the night and "talked" myself into a room at the Loon Rv. tanker base for the rest of my time on the fire.


Yes ASRD are always a treat...



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I believe the posted rates are fair, we use them here in B.C. It is the operators that screw the system with the low bids for the beetle work. This is been happening for years and eventually it catches up with you either going broke or continuing to operate junk with pilots and engineers living under tarps. This is not hard to figure out.


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