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Guest Bullet Remington
or more likely point out what you missed!!! B):lol:



:lol::lol: I don't see too many "ladies" nekid anymore Twinnie. So when I get to see a set of Ta Ta's and a twinkie sitting out all bare and proud, I don't think I miss much!! :D:P


If I'm close enough, i do the old Engineer's DVI 9 Detailed Visual Inspection) :lol:


Unfortuantely, I'm banned from 6 of the peeler bars in YCC. APPEARANTLY, the "Ladies "frown upon being checked over with a LED Flashlight and a mirror!! :rolleyes:;) Go freakin figure! :lol:

I love it.


This post started as a fellow looking for some nods and shakes, a collective commiseration on what the world has come to, and now I have a psychologist friend who jokes of using personalities on this site as case studies.

Truth be told this post was not started as a fellow looking for some nods and shakes; it was started by a fellow who'd like to know who was responsible. A fellow who knows how small the helicopter industry in Canada is, and how news travels. The goal of this post was to get people in the industry talking; with 72 posts and over 7,000 views I'd say it might have worked.

Also, as your psychologist friend has probably realized, many people in our industry let their mouth's run off, often speaking before they think. On that same note, there still are some outstanding PROFESSIONALS in our field; people who know the difference between right and wrong. Someone out there knows who did it and they are likely not impressed either.

:lol::lol: I don't see too many "ladies" nekid anymore Twinnie. So when I get to see a set of Ta Ta's and a twinkie sitting out all bare and proud, I don't think I miss much!! :D:P


If I'm close enough, i do the old Engineer's DVI 9 Detailed Visual Inspection) :lol:


Unfortuantely, I'm banned from 6 of the peeler bars in YCC. APPEARANTLY, the "Ladies "frown upon being checked over with a LED Flashlight and a mirror!! :rolleyes:;) Go freakin figure! :lol:


How far do you think something like this goes towards promoting the image of helicopter personel as gentlemen let alone professionals?


What's wrong with that???


Are all people that go to the peeler bars bad people now?


Can't say I indulge, even tho I used to work at the PI in Dryden...


I just don't understand what's wrong with it.


Back to what the thread was originally about, I even got yelled at for landing on someone elses pad once, wont say where, as it is a dead giveaway of who, but still...


Stealing someone's gear - BAD

wearing down someones concrete???? lol





Edit: spelling

Guest Bullet Remington
How far do you think something like this goes towards promoting the image of helicopter personel as gentlemen let alone professionals?



Freddie, Freddie! What you do son, you fall and bump yer head??? :lol: There are ALOT of professionals in the helicopter racket, that I do know. As for gentlemen, in the helicopter racket, there are NONE!! ;)


Anybody insisting that they are a gentlemen isn't one. A Gentlemen DON'T HAVE TO TELL you he's a gentleman. If indeed a person is a Gentleman, others around him will know without being told!


Lighten up man! It was a freakin joke!! :rolleyes:

How far do you think something like this goes towards promoting the image of helicopter personel as gentlemen let alone professionals?


Wow......I'll bet your a real fun guy to have a beer with !!! :rolleyes:


Ahhh, here is another scalding admonishment by the very pious Fred Lewis.

This is the same guy that found fault with the pilot that landed on his pad that was close to the errant blonde TV reporter last month.


The overwhelming support for the pilot from the comments that followed showed what the popular definition of "professionalism" is, and what standards seem to be acceptable to pilots in our industry.


What is the unprofessional problem here Fred ? That we go to 'peeler' bars, or is it the colourful terminology the poster used to describe what he saw there???


Maybe you should head back to your pulpit Father Fred.....the rest of us are heading to the 'ballet' for a cold beer........and maybe later we will drop by to confess our sins to you.

Cheers !!

Ahhh, here is another scalding admonishment by the very pious Fred Lewis.

This is the same guy that found fault with the pilot that landed on his pad that was close to the errant blonde TV reporter last month.


The overwhelming support for the pilot from the comments that followed showed what the popular definition of "professionalism" is, and what standards seem to be acceptable to pilots in our industry.


What is the unprofessional problem here Fred ? That we go to 'peeler' bars, or is it the colourful terminology the poster used to describe what he saw there???


Maybe you should head back to your pulpit Father Fred.....the rest of us are heading to the 'ballet' for a cold beer........and maybe later we will drop by to confess our sins to you.

Cheers !!


You may be on to something there OT.....maybe alter boys are more his taste !!!

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