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Happyfeet And The Professional Behaviour Thread.

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I sense another reality tv show just around the corner, in the time slot just after Heli-Loggers....Heli-Insane Intervention.


I'm most likely going to catch **** from a few of you, or maybe even be accused of being a negative, industry hater again by some misguided person but here goes: for the love of everything that is free and good why in the he!! should I/we try to decipher someones rantings (again) as a cry for help and come rushing in with hugs and touchy-feely sentiment? So we can feel human? So we feel like we've done our good deed for the day? If you want help, be a man and ask for it.


Many people on this forum, myself included, have taken other jobs over the years to make ends meet and feed the family. Yes I have a job right now, a dam* good one and I'm lucky to have it. Never been screwed over by my employer and never tried to screw them over or tell them how to run thier business. I'm a big believer in creating your own situation in life. Good "karma" will help you surf the waves and ride high, the bad stuff will bite you in the a$$.


Keep your head on straight, keep the customers and your employer happy to the best of your ability, do what ever it takes to protect your family without being a class A-1 nutjob, but above all else....endeavour to make wise decisions everyday.


Too much Oprah and Dr. Phill will rot your brain and make you want to hug everybody.


My names at the bottom, fire away.


I agree 100%.....f#%kin' Oprah!!!! :P

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post-824-1247877226_thumb.gif Not into that touchy-feely stuff, nor do I need to feel anymore human than I do (Superhuman would be nice on occasion, hey!). Gots a soft spot for kids and school's startin' up again soon. Just believe in practicing RAOK and payin' it forward if/when I can, is all. Nuttin' more, nuttin' less and sure as heck not condoning the bad behavior of a desperate adult.


Oprah/Dr. Phil: Ick and ish.

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Guest bag swinnger

Im with Goldie!

I am not even gonna get into all of this touchy feely stuff on here, other then this may not be the right forum for you.

I will say that I wouldn't wish HF any harm or his family for that matter.


Although it seems clear to me, I want you all to consider something else. Someone that is consistently distraught, complete with blow ups, death threats, hints of suicide and comments of going postal concerns me to what is at stake as a commercial pilot. I am real curios to what his aviation medical examiner would say if he read the posts put out by this man. Would he still be willing to put his stamp on the back of the Medical?? I sure hope not but you never know.

Would anyone aware of his rants feel comfy in the back of a machine with him at the controls. I don't think I am interested in riding a bus with him at the wheel. He may be a great bus driver but hey what happens on a bad day.

As a chief pilot, would you knowingly hire him and feel good about sending him out the door after reading these posts from him? Sounds like a powder keg looking for a light to me. Wouldn't most companies want to avoid that...

I am not trying to put the guy down, I don't have to, I think he has done a good job of that on his own.

I sincerely hope that there is an audience here capable of checking this kind of stuff out for everyones sake, whether you would like to hug him or not.

Just my thoughts.



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Guest Angry Egg Driver
I sense another reality tv show just around the corner, in the time slot just after Heli-Loggers....Heli-Insane Intervention.


I'm most likely going to catch **** from a few of you, or maybe even be accused of being a negative, industry hater again by some misguided person but here goes: for the love of everything that is free and good why in the he!! should I/we try to decipher someones rantings (again) as a cry for help and come rushing in with hugs and touchy-feely sentiment? So we can feel human? So we feel like we've done our good deed for the day? If you want help, be a man and ask for it.


Many people on this forum, myself included, have taken other jobs over the years to make ends meet and feed the family. Yes I have a job right now, a dam* good one and I'm lucky to have it. Never been screwed over by my employer and never tried to screw them over or tell them how to run thier business. I'm a big believer in creating your own situation in life. Good "karma" will help you surf the waves and ride high, the bad stuff will bite you in the a$$.


Keep your head on straight, keep the customers and your employer happy to the best of your ability, do what ever it takes to protect your family without being a class A-1 nutjob, but above all else....endeavour to make wise decisions everyday.


Too much Oprah and Dr. Phill will rot your brain and make you want to hug everybody.


My names at the bottom, fire away.


Hey GM...well said.


Everyone hacks on this guy for years and then when he finally loses it you all want to help him?This guy is well known and has had issues in the business for years.Where was everyone when his multiple personalities were on here harassing everyone on this forum?I can bet you werent feeling sorry for him then.


I only met the guy one time....2004...he dropped a machine off at a hangar where i was working...he was looking for a job and they probably would have hired him but his atttitude was terrible.Needless to say they put him on a plane as soon as they could get rid of him.

He has done this to himself and only has himself to blame.This industry is not for everyone.

And yeah some would call me politically uncorrect...works for me :)

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Keeerist......not like anyone was asking for a "group hug" or anything. :rolleyes:


As big an arse that J. is.......its his kids I feel sorry for!


Seems to me that they are the innocent ones, in his lifes quest.....so in being concerned for "them", I feel a bit of forgiveness or compassion not unreasonable.





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It doesn't make you weak to give a man a hand up if he needs it.


And it doesn't make you strong to kick him when he's down.


It's not Oprah or Dr. Phil.



It's just acting like a grownup.


Give it a try......you might like it.


Maturity =100% pure high-quality class ... & darn sehxy.

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