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Grumpy? Maybe he has a right to be just a little grumpy, after all he feeds & shelters his family by doing what he does. Is it soo bad to want to protect that which pays the bills?


Since we're on the topic... How does this work shortage/ foreign worker battle affect you Transquebecniece? Surely someone with the time to add over 6722 posts must be a serious hitter in the industry. Are you a pilot affected by the slow down or scramble for jobs? You must be to have such a strong and outspoken position. Maybe you're just that good that this whole thing hasn't threatened you at all, in which case good for you.


To the rest of us pilot folks though...... don't be guilted into this touchy feely crap spewed on here about how we should all just get along despite where we're from. Simple fact is, jobs are few and far between. Fight hard and dirty if that's what it takes to keep working.


This PC crap that everyone has been dispensing lately is for politicians, and last time I checked this wasn't a political forum.


Stay true to your industry and fellow Canadian pilots and let the rest fend for themselves, end of discussion!

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Flag9: Mr. Blackmac is retired after a long and illustrious aviation career, a great and knowledgeable man that I consider a friend, an ornery and sometimes cantankerous fella to be certain, and I was teasing him. I wish you the best and much safety in your work endeavors. ;) BTW, if you feel the need to get personal, take it to PM please.

How does this work shortage/ foreign worker battle affect you Transquebecniece? Surely someone with the time to add over 6722 posts must be a serious hitter in the industry




Hey TQN!! Purple Power to the end, eh?!?!? :lol: :lol:



Since we're on the topic... How does this work shortage/ foreign worker battle affect you Transquebecniece? Surely someone with the time to add over 6722 posts must be a serious hitter in the industry. Are you a pilot affected by the slow down or scramble for jobs? You must be to have such a strong and outspoken position. Maybe you're just that good that this whole thing hasn't threatened you at all, in which case good for you.


Yep......"serious hitter" for sure Flag9, but you really have no idea how, what, or why. Your speculation is just that, (poor) speculation! <_<

And yes.....TQN "is that good" at what she does. :)


Entrepreneur extraordinaire (for sure)! ;)


Oh, great WORLDY One, It is so gratifying that you could take the time to give your thoughts on world affairs to us peon's. Does the altitude not effect your EGO from such an exalted hight, I guess not, because you keep spewing out your platitudes.


You have the privelage of still being alive in Canada. Why don't you put it to some positive thinking and use.


PS: "I don't really know or care but it is fact." Using your own words.


Actually WHO CARES?????????





When all else fails, make it personal...well done! :D

When all else fails, make it personal...well done! :D

Prime example, L3. ;) You're a real piece of work. No idea what I did to offend you, nor do I care. If you have a beef with me, man up (if you have the b*lls) and take your personal crap to PM. I'm waiting...


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