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Hepac In Jeopardy

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I just receaved a email from the pres of HEPAC stating that the association is in jeopardy of failing.I personally think HEPAC failed when the association would not state a position on work permits.If you want your Canadian Pilots and engineers to support the organization back your Canadian workers. I did not renew my membership and will not support a organization that does not support its own peaple.

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...when the association would not state a position on work permits.




How can any organization/association take a stand on any position to benefit its members prior to having a Board of Directors in place? It would appear to be a case of "could not" vs. "would not". Just an observation, but that expectation would seem to be putting the proverbial "cart before the horse".

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I have to agree. All I ever heard about HEPAC was join up and we will be great. Great at what? I haven't seen a stand or newsrelease on anything affecting the industry. I also know that because I haven't signed on I will be lambasted on this form, sort of if you don't vote don't *****. I will counter, with if you want me "vote" on prove to me that there will be a benifit to joining, not just promises of it being great.

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I have to agree. All I ever heard about HEPAC was join up and we will be great. Great at what? I haven't seen a stand or newsrelease on anything affecting the industry. I also know that because I haven't signed on I will be lambasted on this form, sort of if you don't vote don't *****. I will counter, with if you want me "vote" on prove to me that there will be a benifit to joining, not just promises of it being great.

I joined Hepac last year because it seemed to be something that could be useful to the industry, and since then have been waiting to see what they were offering. So far, nothing much. I read somewhere that they had only 85 members, something like 2% of the pilot/engineer population. It would appear that most of us are happy with the industry, or at least not sufficiently unhappy to spend $75 for a chance to improve things. Until the membership gets significantly bigger Hepac can't legitimately claim to represent the pilot or engineer population. Too bad. I had hoped for something positive to come from Hepac.

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I have to agree. All I ever heard about HEPAC was join up and we will be great. Great at what? I haven't seen a stand or newsrelease on anything affecting the industry.


Also agree. I didn't think there was a clear enough goal. Surely the founders had some idea of the major issues affecting the industry, but nothing specific was ever mentioned. Perhaps they were trying to be too general and too inclusive? Rather than starting from the top down and trying to do/represent everything, perhaps start from the bottom on one or two specific issues, and grow from there?


I can't begin to understand the difficulties in starting an organization like this, but with all due respect to the founders, it just seemed like an empty shell. There wasn't anything there. Kind of like a slick politician knocking on my door asking for my support, but not having any ideas or platform. "Vote for me, and I'll represent whatever you want me to represent!".


Surely HEPAC had some sort of ambition/vision beyond simply representin'?

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Lunchbox, you have understood the problem quite well. Here's why......


A few years ago, many people on this forum called for some form of Association (but not Union!!) to achieve a united voice. But no-one did anything about it.

Finally Don McDougall (Blackmac) went to the hassle and expense of establishing HEPAC.

Thanks for the effort Don.


Right from the start he said he set-up the organisation for other people to join and run as they saw fit.

He was to be just the founder.


Unfortunately, no-one has ever really taken over the reins, (or held them for very long).

We have had a few Board members, and a few more 'bored' members that are waiting for someone else to do something.


Thus we have the empty shell that you describe.......just waiting for someone to lead it somewhere.

And now the President says HEPAC is in jeopardy of fading away.

Sadly, it's not surprising.


So few put in so much, and so many put in so little.

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Thank you all for your comments. Yes, it has been very difficult getting this organization started and we are all exhausted.


The problem is not that HEPAC has not taken positions on things. I was on the phone a few days ago discussing the issue of foreign visas. The real problem, and this thread might be evidence of that, is that people sit on the sidelines.


We are VERY interested in advancing the causes that our members feel are important, and this certainly is one of them. However, to be honest, there is no one to move these things forward. I can write all the position papers and develop all the programs I want, but so far they have all sat on the shelf because we have no one to lead a committee, organize, and do things that need to be done.


For instance, I have an entire mentorship program developed and ready to go. This is a fantastic program that even includes the insurance companies and the customers themselves. But again, we need someone to take responsibility. It's a lot of work, and a major time commitment. The thruth is we need a full-time Executive Director but there's certainly no money for that.


So, if this particular issue is that important to you, then PLEASE put your name forward as a director of HEPAC; chair a committee specifically for this issue, and develop a plan to fight. If this is something you believe in then get involved, be a leader and make it happen. That's what it takes.




Lee Johnson

Interim President

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