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Safety in our industry is the number one factor in our operations as we and our customers all know right down to marketing our business. One of the major factors that interfere with that safety is our customers. Why do we continue to let our customers run our business? This could go off on so many tangents but I'd like to focus on just one thing that's been on my mind recently and doesn't necessarily effect me but others. Question for operators out there who don't allow their pilots to wear helmets….Why? It's one thing not to provide but to actually disallow them to have safety equipment that could save their life or even lives of other people onboard is absurd. You're sacrificing safety for appearance. If customers make comments like "why can't I wear a helmet, your pilot is". Simple answer to the customer is they're not likely to have a bird fly through their window, or smack their head on the instrument panel in the unlikely event of a crash. Customers are more than welcome to bring a helmet to wear. I've had customers that do bring there own helmets.


This just burns me that this is actually being restricted by operators. It's ridiculous!!

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I've never been told I couldn't wear a helmet. I'm fairly new to the industry, but I don't think i would work for an operator that told me I could only sport a headset.


Customer gets smacked in the head, he's in trouble. Pilot takes a hit and is incapacitated, everyone onboard dies. Wearing helmets seems like a very simple proactive safety movement to me.



I have paid off a helmet in 1987- Jetranger engine blew up and down I went into the pine trees. Wacked my head (helmet) on the door post, got out, shook my head, swore a few times, and walked home.

If you fly for us, you are required to wear one- it saved my a$$ and may save yours!




A simple answer is the level of exposure to risk. I doubt anybody feels it necessary to wear a high visibility vest to cross the road, but if you are working in the road it makes perfect sense. So, for occasional travel as a passenger in a helicopter, no helmet required, but to not wear a helmet as a pilot? That’s a decision you may not live to regret.


I think it as important for a customer as the pilot to wear a helmet. Those whom believe that it isn't are blowing smoke. I am not sure were to find a statistic but i bet there has been as many if not more passengers killed then pilots. Yes we spend more time in the machine then customers so the odds stack against us. So when your number come's up what is to say you won't have 4 others on board with you. I have had more then 1 customer ask me were is my helmet. It makes customers very nervous when you try and explain the odd's are against the pilot. hey look at you and go lets hope today isn't the day. I know the federal government is buying and insisting some of there people were helmets. They are not covered by their insurance if they crash without one on.


There are many good reasons to wear a helmet here and I've heard many customers asking why I'm not wearing a helmet. I wear one now after the wife asked me. Seems even she who is not in aviation knows what's safe and what's not.

We all go on about "We're the safest" and "Safety First" Are we really doing everything we can, are you doing everything you can? I hope someone else doesn't become a statistic to make things change out there.


Like Black Mike, I too was wearing a helmet when my 500 went down. The crash was determined to be non survivable. I was wearing an SPH4 dual visor. It looked like a hardboiled egg that you squeezed with your fist. I think it's at the Transport Office in Vancouver. I won't even do a run up without one. I applaud Mike for his policy.

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