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Discovery Air Rescued

Bar C

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Wow Don/Blackmac your cranium must be so far up your rectum that your teeth actually block your vision.


On Topic.... this fund was formerly the Aurora fund which certain companies like GSHL and Tindi used for purchasing A/C, the fund was kept very hush hush and only certain people were allowed to dip into it, much like it is in it's new incarnation The Opportunities Fund. Allot of people in the NWT are very upset that such a risky loan be given at such a low rate and rumours are afloat that it will not go through as is.....Hopefully this will not kill GSHL or Tindi! as they are both great companies that make working in the north for southern exploration companies painless..thus benfitting all residents of the NWT....maybe they will become private again?

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How exactly could GSHL/DA become private again with millions in debt and a stock value of 47 to 50 million? I don't know about you, but I am sure not buying a devalued stock , especially when the company itself is taking a loan almost equal to their stock value. Maybe Warren Buffet will come to the rescue!!! Sorry man- not going to happen.


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As a public company they are legally bound to publish their financials. A read through their website financials, and particularly their management comments section will provide a thorough (and unfortunately somewhat queasy) snapshot of the entire situation at DA.


You should be well educated to formulate an opinion after that.

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Deep Throat the third....., otherwise known as the CS.


I must say you have guts getting on this site and making a bland *** statement as the following:


Wow Don/Blackmac your cranium must be so far up your rectum that your teeth actually block your vision.


To even make a statement like that as I have no knowledge of being able to accomplish that feat, would you please let me know how to do it. All I can say was you must be still be on Workers Comp from the contortions that are required, please forward the instructions you used.


While you are at it would you please explain why you should be subsidized by the Canadian taxpayer for living in the North?


As for the exploration service provided, garbage. If the exploration companies can't afford to get from A to B that's there problem.


As for employment, give me the ratio of aboriginals to southerners that are employed in the so called industries in the North.


You should know the story of the Lone Ranger and Tonto that ends with Tonto telling the Lone Ranger, "You going to die White Man".


I will agree with subsidizing the aboriginals in the North, but not the southerner that just goes up there for the almighty buck from the Canadian taxpayer.


This for all intents and purposes is not a rant, it's a FACT.


Cheers Don




Discovery Air is a public company with shares at almost $0.00 cost, good for toilet paper, especially in the north as they still have out-houses.


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