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Helicopter Types-tough As Nails

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I know Twinstar closed the thread on the B.C. tradgedy but I'd be remiss if I didn't voice my admiration for a difficult job well done and of coarse a little advice.

Any exposure to tradgedies such as this will imprint memories in the old brain some of them at times bothersome.

I've found that there are two solutions to the not so pleasant memories. Time or Talk

Time will eventually work out negative images and experiences although it may be years before negative memories occur!

Talk-Talk to your wife,girlfriend,mother,father,pastor,chief pilot ,boss, engineer,or proffessionl.

Someone you have confidence in and /or respect.

Good Luck..Great job..Glad I wasn't there!!

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I know Twinstar closed the thread on the B.C. tradgedy but I'd be remiss if I didn't voice my admiration for a difficult job well done and of coarse a little advice.

Any exposure to tradgedies such as this will imprint memories in the old brain some of them at times bothersome.

I've found that there are two solutions to the not so pleasant memories. Time or Talk

Time will eventually work out negative images and experiences although it may be years before negative memories occur!

Talk-Talk to your wife,girlfriend,mother,father,pastor,chief pilot ,boss, engineer,or proffessionl.

Someone you have confidence in and /or respect.

Good Luck..Great job..Glad I wasn't there!!


I still remember vividly, dragging my first body from a wrecked FH1100. That was about 45 years ago just outside of Langly B.C. It's stuck with me all these years. The first is the worst and all the others have "sort of" faded with time.


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