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the fact that there are WAY to many hobby pilots in this industry that are being subsidized by top earning spouses , parents and other means and really could care less if they get paid as long as they get the title of "HELICOPTER PILOT" They are just playing. Although this industry allows it in some cases , It just makes a mockery of the guys that are serious about making a living and a career out of it and really loving the industry and the people involved. I have seen it time and time again. Its not a game although many think it is . Maybe it really is these days. but ask the vets. ITS NO GAME. I really hope that the people in charge can weed them alll out this year.


OK Lets hear it


Where can one find one of these "top earning" spouses? There must be a website for sugar mommies :punk: :lol:

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"Hobby" pilots eh? I personally know of some myself. I also know of some "hobby" long-haul truck drivers just starting out in the business, some "hobby" IT professionals just starting out also. I have an ex-USAF son-in-law too who is now Canadian and studying to be an RN and working part-time at whatever in order to contribute to the family coffers. He's being supported by my daughter and she's a professional working full-time.


I will now inform my son-in-law that the new term for him will now be "hobby" nurse. I believe he may think it's an improvement over what I call him now........."Hey you, almost a nurse". Makes him sound like some kind of widget. :lol:


Hey Cap!


Let's become "Hobby Posters"!! That way, we don't have to have any expectations of making any money here, we can just annoy those who "invested" in a computer and want to be a poster, (in fact, it may be their 'right' because of their investment) and be supported either by the government, by companies who see our "value" as a poster, and then generally take up all the available space with drivel and repeated words, or in other words, just repeat what we have previously said, or extensively quote and re post what other 'want-a-be posters have shared, running on and on with out a break just so we can can show by our command of the language, that we are suitable to the high demand of a poster, which is to continually post (and then comment on), everything that has been already beaten quite a few times, lest anyone think that we are just doing this for our own fun and amusement, and not for the good of the industry and or individuals that desire to have, earn and maintain the high respect that we have for ourselves, thereby increasing the demand for addition posters, (be they either professional or Hobby posters, because as more topics are included, of course the demand goes up and up, allowing those who are just starting out to be a part of this great opportunity, and grow and learn how to carry on, and maybe even one day, becoming one of the 'few' who can lead out by example in this great opportunity that allows freedom of expressions with out any desire to have it afford us the kind of living, both monetary and conditions, that we do or do not require, or in fact may (or may not) even want.



A few weeks ago the biggest problem was Foreign Pilots... last week it was Lowball Operators... this week it is Hobby Pilots...


Where do you Guys come up with this crap? Get a hobby to occupy your spare time.

from one 212 dude to another well said Dude!

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