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Bell 204/205 N1 Topping


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Okay folks.....Please refresh my memory concerning N1 topping checks.It's been a while since I did one and it seems the last time we were so high I thought I caught a glimpse of a line up at the Pearly Gates. Any help is greatly appreciated.I have to do a couple soon and rather than look like a total A Hole ,just thought I'd try out this means of re-education......Thanks ..........Otooley...I'll probably still be an A Hole.......Just ask my wife!!!!!!!

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OOPS, finger trouble,like I said I'm a pilot.

Anyway, depending on what altitude you work at the following should work:

- pick a density altitude

-establish climb at 55 kts

-increase collective to 54 psi (not exceeding EGT or N1 limits) Beep governor to maximum if required.

if there is no rotor droop at 54 psi, you know you can count on maximum torque for that density altitude.


If the rotor droops before reaching 54 psi, you may want to increase your N1 topping adjustment (not to exceed 101.5% on a -13 or 105% on a -17 ) to allow maximum torque.


I assume you were referring to a 205

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Man is this a tough crowd.........I do have questions regarding power trimming but rather than p##s off the Great ones ,I'll refrain from asking.Many thanks from JBC.....your two cents is appreciated........As for Picapart.....take a quess,and it ain't pretty.Ps ...and I did read the manuals before I asked the question......Consider this topic closed folks..........Otooley...I'll wing it.

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Picapart.....No problem.....Sorry for being a little harsh.......not my usual easing going self today.....spent whole day covered in Jet fuel ....headache like you wouldn't believe.I find that the forums here are pretty slow and just thought more topics on anything would get people posting.You in Canada or Australia.....ran across a couple of guys this summer on 214's out of Nakusp,they were with Trans West....seemed to be working their A##'s off........Otooley

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