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jeeze man your date'in your age, GB (aka JBC) sweepin the hangar floor, that was a long long time ago. He is the big cheese now withCFLCO, we just refer to him as sir, not "gopher" :P:lol::P:lol:



although I have called him much worse , hey nine and a half fingers?

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Oh Holy One; Know the place well, beat the CO a few times playing crapps.


Used to run from Knob Lake to Hopedale and Great Whale to Knob with

H-21's along the Mid-Canada line.


Were you by any chance flying a pigboat for fuel re-supply in the summer months.


The last time I was there 67-68, the base was closed and I bunked at the Transport radio station near the settlement.


Blew a xmsn on a 47G4 on start up (fan quill) and changed it on the spot.


I was setting up nav station's along the shoreline for a fixed wing a/c and gulf coast siesmic boat dragging a cable.


Some of the original work for the offshore drilling.


Susie's place in Makovik, well I have actually eaten places in Africa that were 5 stars in comparison.


Shades of the past, only the old folks know.


Cheers Don



PS; I'm still waiting for your application.

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Ah, the Zoo.


The zoo in Fort St. James was a memorable one. I somehow was convinced that I could throw an eight ball into the corner pocket. Still don't know how I, the only white boy, got out of there alive.


One I forgot...


The Laughing Loon Pub in Williams Lake, BC



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