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Hello all,

I am posting to get some info on Mr Wood's memorial service. Dick taught me how to fly, I wanted to attend his service but was unable because of USFS contract issues that did not allow for an easy replacement pilot. There will be no sunshine in my cockpit for a very, very long time since he has left us! Mr Wood was an amazing training pilot and I wanted to share one very important lesson he taught me.


I had been training with Dick for a couple of months and was feeling pretty darn good about how things were going, I asked Dick how I measured up against the other students (thinking of course that I was quite advanced) His answer is with me every time I lift off to this day...


After a considerable pause He said, You know what, you're so very far behind this aircraft that you won't be hurt when you crash!


Hubris Or Egos have no place in the cockpit.


After that I considerd a career selling Ice cream from a Dickie-Dee bicycle cart a logical next step But Dick convinced Me to persevere and every time I lift off, I owe him an unpayable debt to this day.




The Abbotsford Flying Club was packed to overflowing.


Speeches were given by his daughter Laura (who did a great job holding her composure). Rocky too gave a speech. Live music was played by his old friends, favorites that Dick always requested they play. Then a picture power point presentation with wonderful memories was presented. The service ended and people moved to the lounge to reminisce.


At 3:00pm Cathy, Clayton and Andy from Chinook Helicopters where Dick trained for many years did a fly-by with 3 Bell 47's with the Dale bringing up the rear in his Bell 212S with the right break.


I was there until 5:00pm, as were most. A testament to a man loved and respected enough that nobody wanted to say goodbye..........


You are a legend buddy...... RIP!


Thanks Rob......I am extremely disappointed not to be able to make the service.


Dick will always be one of the most influential/inspirational people I ever met. My respect and admiration for the man will live with me through the rest of my life.


See you on the other side Dick .........Bob Kellie




Thanks for the scans and posts. Dick was a great part of this industry and will be missed. For those of us who couldn't be there, thanks for sharing...



Keith W


Thank you to everyone who was able to attend Dad's memorial, and to the many who while not able to be there in person, you were certainly felt there in spirit.


I will never be able to fully express my gratitude to all of you who have taken the time to share your memories and stories, whether with me personally or here on this forum.


As I settle in for the long journey of healing, I would like you to know that despite the sometimes challenging side of these types of forums, your efforts to share your stories here have given this daughter courage, strength and the opportunity to know a much richer account of her father’s life.


You have made a difference.



Laura (Wood) Carbonneau


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