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Boo-hoo, Wah, Sniff, Sniff...

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Now come on pup you are lucky to have 4 years including the time with the first company. I was there when you started and i don't think they treated you that poorly. They didn't think you were quite ready then. If memory serves me correctly, shortly after you left said company a helicopter that you were hired to fly and take care of ended up in the bottom of the ocean on the west coast. Maybe the first company new something. :unsure::unsure:





2 minutes in the box :shock:


Now that's getting personal!

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Now come on pup you are lucky to have 4 years including the time with the first company. I was there when you started and i don't think they treated you that poorly. They didn't think you were quite ready then. If memory serves me correctly, shortly after you left said company a helicopter that you were hired to fly and take care of ended up in the bottom of the ocean on the west coast. Maybe the first company new something. :unsure::unsure:



Whoa...Whoa...Whoa! Stabby you incorectly used "new" where you should have used "knew". You know for example: "Who knew a 500 could'nt swim????" or " Really!!! I knew that would happen!" vs. " OMG a swimming 500 thats totally a new idea! AWSOME!" I hope you can learn from this stabby.

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