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The solution to what? What's the agenda so far? The only way to be part of the "solution" to the unknown problem is to organize on a national level? There are more avenues than HEPAC for a professional to contribute to positive change. I guess anyone who doesn't support HEPAC is a "naysayer" or "part of the problem". I read the pamphlet. I have read all of the posts by HEPAC members....somebody better shove a firecracker up somethings @ss to get me excited about committing anything to the mystery organization with questionable leadership and seemingly no grasp of any current issue upon which to platform.


It's so nice to hear from people with an open mind. Please with all your in-depth knowledge did HEPAC ever say we were going to solve your personal problems. HEPAC was founded as an institution for engineers and pilots to get together in a forum basis to exchange idea's or information. If the membership wished to address other items of interest that they wanted to carry forward, they would then form a committee that would do this.


Subsequent to this idea, other than a few people came forward, with not enough support HEPAC was put on the shelf as it seems everybody was happy with the statusquo.


All of a sudden SMS and ISM raise there ugly heads and everybody suddenly thinks HEPAC is a good idea.


Well let me inform you that if you think these programs are not going to come forward, you are living on another planet.


Now, how they come forward and who is involved with it is entirely up to the engineers and pilots within the industry. If you want a say in your future welfare you had better take some action or live with the statuesque. UP TO EACH INDIVIDUAL..


If you join HEPAC or not is your decision and it will not affect me in any way.


So, say what you want about me, I could care less.


HEPAC though, if used properly and with enough members can achieve some semblance of contributing to an Industry that I still love.


PS: Just an added bit of info, HEPAC is not overstepping it's capabilities in submitting a proposal for the SMS, I am the originator of the idea dating back to 1993,


Licencing can be handled without the hoopla that TC presently uses.


These different requirements cannot be achieved overnight, but are not insurmountable.


Remember we live in a virtual world, TC are still using tablets.


Monetarily these programs have to be funded until they can be self sufficient.


If you read my proposal to TC you will see that AME's will become Auditors along with Pilots on a rotational basis in conjunction with the companies.


There is nothing that is not achievable, unless you don't want it to.




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Skidz: What does HEPAC need from it's members? What can I do?, as an old phart who really does not expect to recieve any benefit from the organization, but see it as having great potential for these young people coming along.

I may have another few years, as long as I can lie and cheat my way through the medical, but I intend to continue my yearly membership pittance until I have to live on catfood, which, when served with copious amounts of booze, isn't bad.


TQN: Intervention please, as often as necessary, everyone listens to you.


Blackmac: I think I would hugely enjoy sitting you down at a table with a bottle of...scotch is it? and a bottle of Lambs Navy Rum. No, you can't have any rum...well, maybe a taste.

I believe you to be exactly who you say you are and some folks just don't understand that.


You'd think I drank a bit wouldn't ya? Nah, I drink a whole lot.



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God love free speech….this topic only goes to show how passionate people are in this industry.


Just my two cents…Blackmac, it is great to see someone stand behind what they believe in and go so far as starting an association to work towards getting positive changes for our industry. I believe I hear what you are trying to get across to the rest of us, however when I see the tirades against other members, knowing you are the president, it concerns me with how the workings of HEPAC will go. I do realize people in this forum are posting some questions or comments that are on the negative side towards you and HEPAC, maybe instead of shouting back, you could give a list of initiatives HEPAC is doing. Possibly putting out thoughts, comments and changes you and your members have thought of that may interest the rest of us to join. I’m not asking for you to accept slags sent your way, but just to remember that when you answer back some of us potential members are looking…again just my two cents. :blink:


PS to some of the other posters…didn’t your mothers tell you what happens when you poke a bear with a stick?



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Guest Bullet Remington
actually +10 on what everyone has been saying....


Bullet, i do believe lunchbox did state a few things of interest to him....did you even read his other reply?



As a matter of fact, Yes I did! Lunchbox was expressing some interest in the duty times of engineers. He recieced a response from CD. As mentioned by CD, NOTHING has happened from the TCCA end over the past 4 years. AND nothing will happen. Primarily because the number of us engineers that are willing to support a time limit on the hours worked, buy an outside agenda is such a miniscule number, only a few give a crap.


Anybody with any understanding would understand that. I saw no reason to continue discussing a dead issue. ( From my point of view)


If its a concern to Lunchbox, he's free to either join Hepac and initiate an agenda addressing this matter to his satisfaction and/or starting his own organisation to address the matter OR doing it on his own. Either way if he can show some legitamacy to the matter i'd be happy to peruse it and if zi feel it was warranted, I'd stand behind it. Until that happens, I will decide how many hours I work in any given shift /rotation.


And sorry about the mix -up So you're not a Fielkd Tech rep. I gusee at your level you just do and go where Eurocpter sends you? ( Not like that is a bad thing, nor am I being condesending) So it WASN'T you in NAIN Labrador doing some engine work on a French machine belonging to the Red and Gold company outa Springbank. Cuz if it wasn't somebody authorized payment for the wrong individual!! <_<

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Guest Bullet Remington
God love free speech….this topic only goes to show how passionate people are in this industry.


Just my two cents…Blackmac, it is great to see someone stand behind what they believe in and go so far as starting an association to work towards getting positive changes for our industry. I believe I hear what you are trying to get across to the rest of us, however when I see the tirades against other members, knowing you are the president, it concerns me with how the workings of HEPAC will go. I do realize people in this forum are posting some questions or comments that are on the negative side towards you and HEPAC, maybe instead of shouting back, you could give a list of initiatives HEPAC is doing. Possibly putting out thoughts, comments and changes you and your members have thought of that may interest the rest of us to join. I’m not asking for you to accept slags sent your way, but just to remember that when you answer back some of us potential members are looking…again just my two cents. :blink:


PS to some of the other posters…didn’t your mothers tell you what happens when you poke a bear with a stick?



I'll go alomg with what OT stated. As long as he brings at least two bottles of rum. Preferable one of captain Morgans!




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Skidz is right about the communication....


where i see the breakdown in that is when the "naysayers" get browbeaten down when they don't agree with something, someones personally or their ideas.

To those who want to run a professional organization, you better learn to be PC with your answers. Those naysayers who get talked down to by the leaders and members have voices....voices that are heard....once you guys control your rebuttals and learn this valuable tool called restraint....you might actually move forward. Educate might be a better word, and telling us to just go read the website is a waste of time.


I have a right to be a complete jacka$$ and so does anyone else who isn't on board....but you still have to kiss my butt because I'm a number and a bank deposit to you. Something you so desperately need right now.


Skidz does a wonderful job being the nice guy, even when faced with completely destructive comments. Take his lead.

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