Auto Relight Posted June 3, 2008 Report Posted June 3, 2008 Auto relite, So in your safety meetings, if you have any, a pilot states he doesn't like the fuel tanks in your company helicopters? Are you going to change them? Is this realistic?.....I doubt it! "If you have any." Cute. You're obviously missing the point here entirely, so I'll leave you to it. AR
TwistedSpar Posted June 3, 2008 Report Posted June 3, 2008 T-rex, it seems like you're the guy to gang up on today. I do know you well and I do understand your frustration, so unlike the others, I will cut you some slack. You buddy are experiencing the wolf pack syndrome. About the only thing i can chastise you for is your presentation, but sometimes you need to lay out the non sugar coated version to get people to open their eyes. :punk: I know what you're saying, the opportunity to retrofit the old aging fleet is an impossible and arduos task. I am sure that steps will be made in the right direction for newer generation aircraft to mitigate the seriousness of a post crash fire. But that will come at a cost. Will the paying customer accept that added cost? some will yes, but not all. Fear of burning to death is so strong, people will jump from ten story buildings to escape the flames. but being trapped in a wreckage, possibly unconcious, kinda defeats the escape to safety urge we all have. Maybe a good starting point is to make your egress out of a machine as easy as possible (remove anything that catches clothing, gets in the way etc just sit in the back of any 206 and look around), mandate helmets for all persons on board, mandate flame retardant clothing for all persons on board and mandate better briefings and safety measures to ensure that passengers know every point of exit and every fuel shut off etc that can extend the time to evacuate an injured person from a wreck. Possibly an engine fire extinguishing system to ensure the engine does not ingnite the spilled fuel as easily during a rollover. these are all cheaper alternatives that will gain some ground on these tragedies and also be steps in the right direction.
T-rex Posted June 3, 2008 Report Posted June 3, 2008 It's one of those days! Everybody is a hero and everyone knows more than the other! Auto relite, No pokes at you, or what you do, I am not sure what your company has set up for your meeting structures! Don, I don't run my own company! But keep up your comments, your moto should be "how i buffalo my members with bullsh*t"
Blackmac Posted June 4, 2008 Author Report Posted June 4, 2008 T-rex: You want to get down and dirty, how about the Cranbrook accident, don't you feel some responsibility as Mr. OPS Manager and Chief Pilot or are you one of these infallible people. Must be one great Flight School with your attitude. I've been in a helicopter that was on fire, have you??? Any time you want, Bite ME. I would call you an arsehole, but that would be a compliment. PS: TS keep your nose out of this or I will take a trip to Fort Erie. You can always say Hi to your new Boss, I had a drink with her at AHS in Montreal. You are not doing your company any favours, everybody knows who you are, the same as T-rex. Enjoy the moment.
412driver Posted June 4, 2008 Report Posted June 4, 2008 412,what happened to your instruction skills calling somebody a young'un? What gives you the right? How much more condescending can you to get. There is absolutely nothing wrong with TaylorM's post, in fact it's right on the ball. Maybe you two old fart's should provide constructive comments or were you just born knowing it all. I still take my hat off to Taylor for having the guts to write the Minister, maybe a few more smart arse's could take their feet of the desk and try it and then maybe this industry will amount to something. Try being CONSTRUCTIVE instead of DESTRUCTIVE. You guys are way up there on the SMS ladder, I hope you know what SMS means. Don 412,what happened to your instruction skills calling somebody a young'un? What gives you the right? I NEVER DID, READ WHAT I WROTE..... How much more condescending can you to get. MUCH MORE BUT I WASN'T HERE......... or were you just born knowing it all. IMHO NO BUT OTHERS DISAGREE There is absolutely nothing wrong with TaylorM's post, in fact it's right on the ball. I AGREED BY APPLAUDING HIS YOUTHFUL VIGOUR Try being CONSTRUCTIVE instead of DESTRUCTIVE. DOES THAT MEAN TO BE TOLERANT LIKE YOU? Don, your last post is unacceptable. Hey, aren't you one of the directors of HEPAC? Big F%#*&n' black eye amigo........... :down: :down: :down:
T-rex Posted June 4, 2008 Report Posted June 4, 2008 Don, Are you threating me with something? Is this what hepac does when someone dosen't agree with your dictatorship? Moderators: This thread should be closed!
412driver Posted June 4, 2008 Report Posted June 4, 2008 PS: TS keep your nose out of this or I will take a trip to Fort Erie. You can always say Hi to your new Boss, I had a drink with her at AHS in Montreal. You are not doing your company any favours, everybody knows who you are, the same as T-rex. Enjoy the moment. and now you threaten someone else???? that you can have them stripped of their job???? :shock: :shock: :shock:
Blackmac Posted June 4, 2008 Author Report Posted June 4, 2008 For T-rex and Buddy 412, you happen to know who I am. You forgot one thing if everything I say is going to be asscociated with HEPAC, when we are not supposed to mention names, then I guess everything that T-rex says he is speaking for BigHorn Helicopters and the same goes for my Eurocopter friend and 412 ,you probably don't have job, so say what you want. If you want to keep this up, let the games begin.
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