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ridgeline last won the day on April 14 2018

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  1. 'Canada Wx' app is great, if all you're after is the GFA's. It's 3 bucks.
  2. This! Scrubbing toilets is not the only way to get going. And yes, there are are a lot of tired old fellas that think it is. Don't listen to them, they're the same ones who can't work an iPad or digital radio on a fire when they need to. My only two bits would be, if you can afford a part share in a machine, make sure it has a hook and buy yourself a long line. Don't spend your time flying friends around. If you get yourself some hours, develop good airmanship along the way, and can put a longline hook in a tire you'll be ahead of most.
  3. Anybody using the small tips for their CEP's? I ordered some regular size, they sent me the variety pack by mistake. My order has been corrected but I have 5 pairs of the small's that I'll never use. PM me and I can mail them.
  4. What is the actual job you are recruiting for? The post states that you have a place for low timers who want to start seeing cool places... It says nothing about actually getting to fly or wrench. "working towards senior pilot or AME" is about as vague as it gets. Why not just get a visa's for your staff like everyone else does?
  5. Ya, you might be right. Nice one. I like how they opened with the definition of CRM and it clearly states 'crew members', however, we only need to be concerned with what comes after the word "shall" which is flight crew, like you pointed out.
  6. Thanks, thats how I was understanding it, I guess I just didn't want to believe it. Typical, a new TC reg, perfectly suited to fixed wing operators.
  7. I'm not trying to make the can of worms bigger, but just to clarify... For CRM purposes TC is only considering "crew" members to be those employed by the operator, correct? I only ask because according to their definition of 'crew member' the fire fighters I fly around looking for smoke are crew members, so are the guys doing the line patrol, the fire fighter hooking up the net, etc, etc. To say that all of those mentioned would have to take not only my operators CRM course but every operators CRM course that they fly with is well, you get the point.
  8. One of the best bits of advice I've ever been given was by a co-worker of mine when he looked at my resume. We were both in the process of looking for new jobs, and I had the flying job I had at the time, as well as all the other jobs I'd ever had on there. He said "you want to keep flying helicopters or build more decks and finish some more concrete? Get those other jobs off of there" He was right. Don't offer your accounting skills, or your self proclaimed spatial awareness (whatever that is), or your fantastic physicality (whatever that is) to your future employer, you're trying to get a job flying, not a job as an accountant with good spatial awareness. Pick up a broom, be willing to spill some fuel on your boots and wash other guys windows. (not trying to be a prick here just my honest 2 bits...) Other than that, I second what Freck said.
  9. 296 for sale, purchased refurbished about 3 years ago. Used for half that time. $500 OBO
  10. What in the actual **** ?
  11. It has nothing to do with provincial ambulance services, in my opinion,... What about a local SAR team using a B2 to fly an injured snow mobiler out of an avalanche? If the guy is dying why shouldn't that Astar be allowed to land at the hospital?
  12. I have a Soother Liner for sale that I bought with my helmet from Merit apparel about a year ago. My helmet fits too tight with it on so its never been worn since I tried it on and its been in a bag ever since. Its a size 1214.... Retail is $99.00 US so if anyone is looking for a new one and wants to spend $75 (OBO) Canadian instead shoot me a message.
  13. I'll call them tomorrow! Thank you
  14. Hey there, does anyone know of a place in North America where I could get a screen for a 296? I bough a refurbished unit from a guy on eBay. The screen is being temperamental at best. I called Garmin, it's over the 90 day warranty AND they no longer carry, sell or make parts for these units and they won't repair them either (as of November 2014). I found a few places in China on google but it would be nice to have 'local' dealer for parts and repair! Thanks!
  15. Check these guys out. www.mparam.com good radios and the right price too
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