Hi folks,
I'm studying the Astar POH and I'm having hard time understanding the power check charts.
It sez in Section 4 that once you have your parameters, to enter the chart first with Tq - Nr - Alt, and then from OAT to Ng. I don't have a problem with the bottom portion, but I'm a little confused about the top part. If i'm deducing this right, I go from my OAT a straight horizontal to intersect with Ng, then vertical to the diagonal separating the correct/incorrect regions of the chart, then back horizontal to intersect my vertical up from Alt. Is this correct?
Also, for the B2, it sez MCP = 98%.............................Delta Ng -3.5
Is 98% an absolute ? Is it the lesser of the two ? Greater of the two?
Another detail. The Intec filter STC states OAT must be increased by 4 degrees C in the BA POH for power check, but not in the B2 POH. Why is that?
Last Q: Anybody got "virgin" large format Astar power charts to share?