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twinstar_ca last won the day on August 26 2024

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About twinstar_ca

  • Birthday 10/13/1957

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    strathmore, alta

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  1. Congrats on finding new owners, Mike, but as one of those moderators who invested over 20 years to this forum, I think you have again, just assumed, we would accept whatever you do with no questions. I will remain a member, but for the 3rd and last time, I will request that you rescind my moderator status. Even after you and I spoke on the phone, I am still left with a sour taste in my mouth over how I have been treated. Should you ever decide to try to repair or make amends, I am open to talking as I never like to burn bridges. I am not, however, a push around type of person. YOU, if you choose to do so, will have to re-prove yourself as being worth my effort as a colleague... As I said to you on the phone, I do wish you the best.... Grant
  2. This was NEVER just a Canadian forum. Was always open to everywhere and even one of the moderators at one was a USCG Dauphin driver..
  3. Not a word back....
  4. Welcome back, but please note the big banner on the front page... Vertical is shutting the forum down permanently in 2 weeks...
  5. so they'll be old enough to be grey hawks?? asking for a friend... 😄
  6. All good points, CM.. I have sent an email inquiry today as to the costs, process to take over, etc... See what I hear back...
  7. Thanks for that... Most of the time, it's been been my pleasure!!
  8. I really have no idea... I can't get any response from Mike or admin on anything... Mind you, I haven't come right out and asked. I might just have to do that and see if I can find out. Will keep all in the loop as to what I find out.
  9. So, here we are... Only 1 more month till vertical pulls the plug. I still have not heard anything to my inquires, but I still hope someone maybe assumes the reins.. I am not financially able to. I hope that in this last month, the fires do not eat the country but do provide enough revenue for all to survive, that we gain a little more tolerance in the future to each other, do not take the poison to other sites, and continue to remember the fallen. If anyone does want to stay in touch, i have a few facebook accounts such as Aspen Mews Heli News, Incipient Safety Consulting, and Marriages by Grant... All link to my main account... Fly safe brothers and sisters...
  10. deleted double post.. condolences to family and friends.. 😔
  11. I read that too... and this morning on Vertical's youtube channel, they feature Hillsboro's H145 in firefighting application. Which will it be?? Dauphin or 145.. will be interesting indeed... are not both Airbus models now??
  12. Bad choice of term on my part.. Rap it is... it just seemed to me like we were losing a lot of valuable manpower/resources..
  13. And this is the same provice that cancelled the HeliTac program a few years ago because it really didn't think it was cost effective. 🤬
  14. I was under the impression that my dear province of Alberta had invested in a Dauphin or in Talon providing the service.. am I misinformed?? 😲
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