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  1. I have recently been told about this place called Professional Pilot Insurance Plan in Okotoks. It has by far the best rate to cover you while flying if it's legit. Anyone have any experience with them? http://www.ppip.ca/ I have talked to multiple insurance brokers, including ones that use Sunlife and as soon as they find out your a pilot landing off airport at unprepared sites the rates go through the roof. If you never got an aviation questionnaire with your life insurance I would have a good read over the underwriting on your plan.
  2. Check this out. http://www.volunteerheli.com/home.html
  3. wow really? Thats pretty low there is no way I would do that.
  4. Try Parallels desktop 9. Download the trial and see if it works.
  5. If you don’t like the pay then don’t except it, but the “I love aviation and will do what it takes” it not the way to make this industry better. Have you looked around to compare industries taking in consideration wages vs. risk? I use to run heavy equipment and I was making 6-750 a day when working away from home. My one buddy who is a welder is making over 200k a year. Now look at the risk of those jobs. Not much to worry about compared to flying. How about engineers I have heard their wages are comparable to a small engines mechanic. I highly doubt a guy fixing weed whackers goes home and worries about if he finished the job correctly because people could die and he could end up in front of a judge… Also being an engineer isn’t even recognized in the trades industry is they decided to become a mechanic on something else they would have to take the schooling right from square one again. 2hr average mins is ridiculous if you have to sit out there all day. 100k a year isn’t huge money anymore, to me anyone over a couple thousand hours should be making more then that. Flying for 60-80k a year is something I just couldn’t do. I will gladly hop back in an excavator before going back to those wages.
  6. LOL, Really? I think any smart business person would agree which way will generate more money. Look back a couple posts and learn something. The only people coming out ahead are flight schools ripping new pilots off by charging them on the ground otherwise all it does is drive operation costs up for commercial operators. Which also most likely but not necessarily (company dependant) creates pilots being paid a lower wage because the company isn't generating the potential income. Oh and I will come out with more money at the end of my tour if I time out...
  7. So in other words recording the time in between multiple flights even thou the helicopter is still running is wrong IMO.
  8. Winnie, Wikipedia’s definition of flight Flight is the process by which an object moves, through an atmosphere (especially the air) or beyond it (as in the case of spaceflight), by generating aerodynamic lift, propulsive thrust, aerostatically using buoyancy, or by ballistic movement, without direct support from any surface. Cars definition of flight time "flight time" - means the time from the moment an aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of taking off until the moment it comes to rest at the end of the flight; (temps de vol) CARS definition of airtime "air time" - means, with respect to keeping technical records, the time from the moment an aircraft leaves the surface until it comes into contact with the surface at the next point of landing; (temps dans les airs) All right now lets look at these. Wheeled helicopter starts its flight by rolling on its wheels (propulsive thrust), so now they have flight time recording since they are moving. They taxi out to the runway and lift off into the air (aerodynamic lift) now they are recording airtime. Skid equipped helicopter lifts off the ground (aerodynamic lift), which starts flight time and airtime. It lands now the flight is over/done/no more aerodynamic lift. But it’s left running to be hot refueled or say cargo unloaded. It lifts back up into the air this would be flight number 2 for the day. CARS says “the flight” not “multiple flights”.
  9. But how does a skid helicopter move when it can't until its in the air?? The way you should word it is "When a component of the helicopter starts to move (ie. Blades spinning), not the whole helicopter itself." lol
  10. To keep things equal for operators you have to take in consideration of operating costs. An operator who uses the method of what goes into the aircraft JLB goes into your personal will be lower then one that uses the other method. Pilots will be timing out faster creating that operator to have a larger staff, more frequent crew changes and so on to do the same job. There is a lot more to it then just pilots benefitting to getting more hours.
  11. 3) from first lift off to last landing (CAIRS responses from Director standards and confirmed by Yves Lemieux) Look at Yves Lemieux interpretation of carried on luggage. I think we could all agree that doesn’t work for heli ops or if he’s right I guess there will be a huge change to our operations. For the above reason and a few others is why we should be going to a skills based assessment for determining if someone can do a certain job like landing in a gas lease, fighting fire, hover exit, etc.. It for the most part takes padding your logbook out of the equation. Hours really don't tell the whole story. W. Very true and I hope all employers’ start doing this. Sadly they wont know till they have the person there in which they would have already picked the person who looks better on paper. Then there will be a ton of time and money wasted on training someone who has a bunch of hours sitting on the ground, when they could have hired someone with less hours who has more time actually flying the helicopter. I have never questioned someone on there hours when they say how many hours they have until this thread has started. In the last year I have seen some interesting things with people claiming to have all these hours and can’t do the job. All and all I don’t have much to loose either way as my logbook will be correct or I will gain a ton of hours till then I will wait till transport makes a decision to which ever way we shall log our time.
  12. Maybe the hour requirements keep going up because pilots with the required hours can't do the job because they are logging time sitting on the ground???
  13. So Flight time and airtime for planes I believe works as. Flight time - the moment the brakes are released and the airplane moves under its own power. (Taxiing) Air time - the moment the tires come off the ground to when they touch again. Running on the ground getting T&P’s in the green is not considered flight time. A skid equipped helicopter, cannot move under it’s own power unless its in the air. So flight time and airtime would be considered the same. A helicopter with wheels I guess could fall into the same category as an airplane for air time and flight time. I think people are considering because the helicopter is running that it’s considered as moving under it’s own power. Sure things are turning but the helicopter is still sitting there and not moving. To me moving under it’s own power would be the whole helicopter moves not just pieces of the machine.
  14. Yes there is more to PILOTING then flying, but writing time in your logbook of you sitting on the ground with a machine running is wrong IMO. Piloting is dealing with customers, taking responsibility for the aircraft and equipment, checking weather and making sure the A/C is within limits and operated within limits, making sure the loads are rigged properly, rigging gear is safe, admitting when you go over a limit or do something wrong, being HONEST…. If you feel that putting time into your logbook while sitting on the ground is going to make you a better pilot in finding the wind, determine approaches and departures, good and bad spots to land within confines, weather calls, knowing aircraft performance from experience and not all from a manual (as we should all know they don’t all perform to what the book says), knowing and picking out good spots to go when things go wrong……. Then by all means write the time of you sitting on the ground to make you sound more experienced or having your resume look good. There might as well be 10 different logbooks for the Flight time, air time, billing time, aircraft time blah blah blah. Anyways I’m done with this subject, the way this is going it’s beating a dead horse.
  15. Exactly so a guy sitting on the ground shouldn't be logging the time! YOUR DOING NOTHING. Skids up to skids down, what goes into the aircraft journey logbook should go into your personal logbook. This is probably why so many people that come around saying they have 1000hrs still flying like they have 300hrs because they are logging every second they are in the machine. I guess all the 100hr guys should get checked out to do all the maintenance ground runs so they can log the time to meet customers requirements.... $h!t even throw the longline on and they can say they have longline time! haha
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