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  1. Know the flight training manual and instructor manual (particularly the first half) and know your instruments, particularly VOR and ADF (god knows why) and compass errors and that stuff Whomever is recommending you should be able to fill in all the gaps Good luck!
  2. Com Com Com...know your authorizations and training requirements as set out in your COM....Also good to know pilot training tracking systems and emergency protocols, your company should have a published "what to do if..." document. Good luck!!
  3. What Heizenberg said...instructing in helicopters is not for time building. Get a job and some experience so that you have something to pass on to your students. If a school is suggesting you get the instructor rating they are just trying to separate you from your $$, unless in the US, where things are more like fixed wing? But your 100 hr CPL comment suggests you are in Canada
  4. So by dual hours I mean the number of dual hours on instruction required to meet the licensing/flight test standard. You need 17 hours of dual instruction, and if you can meet the real flight test standard in 17 hours you are well ahead of any curve I have seen. So quite often the dual number goes up as a result of getting through all the flight exercises to a safe level. Typically students finish private in 60-70 hours, which makes the 45 number a bit unrealistic. If you do ppl first and then Cpl you will need to convert your ppl, which is 60 hours minimum I believe, so even if you got it done in 50 hours you now need 110 to obtain the cpl. Everything is deductible but you added 10 hours (or more) to the 100 hour requirement. R-22 can be a deadly choice, but in my experience the 44 is a great machine and quite safe, the only hurdle for you will be that everything is going the wrong direction from the Cabri Good luck!!
  5. I should ask what machine are you training on. You should expect 60 - 70 hours to do a good private ride....just to reference where the 35k number came from?
  6. So I assume you intend to buy a machine or rent? Entirely correct the private is not tax deductible and commercial is....and often people spend upwards of 40 to get to a safe flight test standard. The required and actual for dual hours never line up, you will have more training, be safer and perhaps a better insurance rate if you decide to purchase? Should be no problem to change course at this point in your training
  7. Tiger performance can as well, both good companies in my experience. They will even overhaul your lid for you if you send it to them. Good luck
  8. For H60 Yes it does absolutely...sometimes simply going from 100% rrpm down to 93-95% can be the difference between making a spot and not...adding speed helps as well...you may not be in the sky as long or be as comfortable, but you will go farther
  9. Daz is right....tuition is fully deductable as long as the school is recognized as an approved post secondary institution. You can carry the deduction forward up to 7 years i believe. As for the private beng recognized I believe that is only deductable after you have achieved your commercial ticket. The other factor to consider is that the private may be done in less hours, but few meet flight test standards in the prescibed number of hours (I think this is what Winnie is alluding to) especially when the training is being done periodically on weekends. 60-70 hours is more realistic given your situation, although everyone is different. I also think you would be hard pressed to find an instructor who would recommend that volume of flying for learning...perhaps 2 to 3 hours per day max, and that would only be to help accomodate you rather than be the ideal. Good luck
  10. I think what he might be getting at is the need to land a wheeled aircraft on a hard surface where possible...perhaps with skids they may have chosen the field the first time around, and the problem may have been averted??
  11. With all the talk over on the HJ thread about relevance to helicopter operations...can someone explain to me why this thread is still in helicopter operations and not one of the other forums further down the page... you all seem like good folk on here and it is all good stuff but I have seen more moved quicker....
  12. To sudden stop.....just because I have set some poles for hydro crews does not mean I am ready to climb the thing and string some line....why you think you know about the job from being in the industry, maybe working with crews? Yours is one of the oldest of the old school views...."son I have more time in this machine than you ever will" I am sure we have all heard that one from one guy or another. That being said this is pretty odd considering they had the luxury of actually getting out of the machine, something we do not always get to do, and they clearly were aware of the wires given that they landed tight to the left side of the road. I personally, if given the chance, like to get out and assess the tight spot I landed in and try to draw up a game plan for getting the machine out. Nice to see what I may have missed. They will be better pilots for it hopefully...I like to think I am for my error(s) A good reminder for new pilots on the importance of turns around the tail...not time for HJ to revamp SOPs....did I miss you suddenstop when this discussion was held for Ornge and the FO wire a while back??
  13. I would much rather work beside a driver than a captain. Being professional has nothing to do with what you are wearing...especially on your shoulders, and what you want people to call you. so yes...you are being too "thin skinned" about this.
  14. Why is it so difficult to add these to the curriculum?? My experience is that the students really enjoy any exercise that you can incorporate that simulates the "real world" At the school I work at we have done this with many exercises, and they often incorporate multiple students who help out by acting as "Customers" who can do things like pad cutting or slinging ground crew?? All you need is an idea of what really goes on out there and your imagination to create scenarios for the students that mimic real work, and ensuring that they won't end up costing the student by wasting hours.
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