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Taco Bell

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Taco Bell last won the day on April 20 2014

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  1. Flying drugs across the border = TFW..............
  2. And helicopters attract bikinis. It's a vicious circle.
  3. I was looking at a set of guns off one of these beasts earlier today.
  4. I have this issue as well plus it does it when I click on "go to first unread post". I also have many other issues but they have nothing to due with this web site.
  5. If you are good at construction skills, your employers & customers will love & abuse you. Anyone who can build a book shelf, work bench, storage shed, renovate an office, add a bathroom, etc, are great assets to have around. Especially when it's slow. Also great guys to have in camp. Helping out building tent frames, kitchens, and board walks always goes a long ways in the customers eyes.
  6. HeliSupport I mistakenly thought the original post was someone just looking for an ex-colleague. My apologies for my post and condolences to all Mike's family and friends.
  7. I heard he's on a beach somewhere with “Pierre Poutine”.
  8. Oh yes we do.
  9. There's the problem. "Cavemen"
  10. A great video on the history of Russian helicopters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dCpC85Pzg0&feature=related
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  11. I'm guessing that the first time he saw the tree was after watching the video.
  12. Crazy not to. For a $100 dollar gamble, you could make thousands.
  13. Condolences to all involved. Good work by the WildCat crew in helping bring this to a close and all the other searchers out there.
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