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oban last won the day on November 14 2024

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About oban

  • Birthday 11/02/1965

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  1. I’ll jump in on this. You need to understand the basics, period. If a customer is calling you in and telling you I’m at your 10 o’clock, or another aircraft saying I’m at your 3, what are you going to do. Ask him to switch over to “you’re getting warmer, no, now colder “ You’re probably to young for “Marco, Polo”
  2. You don’t need patches. You need Shoo Goo or Goop…. Quick swipe and you’re good to go in the morning. I’ve had the Air Hawk for years now. I use it at home in my favorite chair as well…. Love it, but more importantly, my back does. Levels out crappy seats and makes so-so ones even better.
  3. Go praise Jesus. D.A!
  4. PM sent
  5. Dated July 10th.... It was a spray machine.
  6. Shoo goo or goop. Don’t travel without it and your Roho will last forever. Or at least mine has so far. I have the “Airhawk”. At least seven years. Several repairs. Bought mine through a motorcycle dealer in Kelowna if I remember correctly. At the time would’ve been cheaper just to order directly from the states.
  7. PM Sent.
  8. I feel privileged to have worked along side of Jim. RIP. You will be missed by many.
  9. Must have. You may walk across a pile of open tundra or boulder fields but as soon as you come to a depression of any sort (where your going to want to seek shelter) you'll be up to your hips in snow cursing and swearing.
  10. Not me. Ever have one of those tours where by the time you in the plane headed home your only thought is "if i see just one more helicopter i may snap!!!" Imagine that happening if you were working Gynecology...... No thanks!!!! I'll stick with flying
  11. Of all people, you would know best. Made me LOL. All the best to you too!
  12. All i know is that after 15 years in the business, and having switched over from being an auto mechanic for 13 years, i certainly couldn't go out and get a "real" job. This industry has ruined me..... But it certainly beats working for a living!!! Love it!!
  13. oban

    On Thin Ice

    CTV Calgary has a comment on their ticker this morning about a video of a helicopter sliding between hockey players and that a pilot is trying to defend his actions. This is just getting better and better..... Sure it seemed like a great idea at the time..
  14. That's not memorabilia, that's Collins filing system!!! God knows what is going to be discovered in there as he is retiring (supposedly....) next month!
  15. Just wanted to say thank you and keep them coming. Awesome to see all those old photos.
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