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  1. Not this again!!!!!
  2. Hearing that Whitney isn't making their payroll for about 2 pay periods now and that the staff are looking for job elsewhere. Any info?
  3. has anybody heard of a VIH 206 crashing, in or around Fort st John area?
  4. The truth as you see it, let us not forget that. It is your PERSONAL opinion and only that. I have not looked at the HAC site so I can not speak to that. But if you are going to dish it out then you had better learn to take it. Just my thoughts.
  5. I find it funny that you can slam other people in the Bailey Heli sold thread but are out raged that some one might speak out against you. Cheers
  6. 269

    Calgary Input

    Don't touch it with a ten foot pole!!!!! Still the same.
  7. Has anyone heard anything about Black Tusk ??? heard they lost a 214. Would appreciate any info.
  8. Heli transport is what I heard. No one hurt. White Out.
  9. as the topic is called movin on!!! why doesn't this thread do the same. Move on to something that matters.Like where the best cold beer and wings are in this country . NOW THAT MATTERS.
  10. Move on people. If you don't work there why would you care and if you do work there and don't like it then leave. If you do work there and like it good for you. sounds like some people are not happy unless they are putting others down. Never say never cause you never know who you may work for. I for one don't like to burn a bridge.
  11. Any body seeing any fire action yet ?? How 's it looking in your neck of the woods?
  12. Why would you need hours to work on the ground !!!! Not a company out there that requires hours to be a hangar gopher.
  13. Do you fly them into the hangar???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  14. Yes 412 , but those boys have a union and that gives them wings like a shield of steel !!!
  15. Cole; not a very smart thing to say. R22 is right. If you want an aircraft why not try the old fashion way. WORK FOR IT. Or like some of the rest of us , put your house and everthing else you have on the line and then work your *** off.
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